Use SoundCloud to raise awareness for nonprofit organizations

Nonprofits are looking for new and innovative ways to promote their organization. Social media is a great way for nonprofits to advocate their affiliations. This will raise awareness and help boost donations. Social Cloud is the optimum platform for small businesses and nonprofits to have a voice.

The best part about this is that there is no fee for a basic account which allows users to create a profile page and even upload up to 3 hours of audio footage at no cost. Creating podcasts is a great way for nonprofits to increase their support and raise awareness on a more global level.

A podcast doesn’t have to be fancy. Just simply talk about the purpose and goals of the non-profit; just try to make it catchy and informative. Once a podcast starts receiving SoundCloud Likes, it will make it more visible and this will help the nonprofits user profile accumulate more SoundCloud Followers. More followers means more awareness and more awareness will help raise more funds.

The fact that there are no overhead costs is a definite plus for nonprofits. And SoundCloud is easy to use. There are apps available for mobile and portable devices that make adding new content to a profile simple as the click of a button.